<h3 ><strong>AFROMOYA FUND</strong>, the first financing service designed for black-owned events!</h3><p ><strong><em><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzUtolAT28M">Watch the AFROMOYA FUND video clip</a></em></strong><br /> </p><p><span >There are many event organisers out there with bright ideas and projects, who just need this little push to achieve their goals. This, is the little push you need.</span><br /><br /><span >This service comes with 4 clear objectives.</span></p><h3><span ><strong>The Big 4:</strong></span></h3><p> </p><ol> <li><span ><strong>Help</strong> event project plans come to life sooner through financing & consulting.</span><br /> </li> <li><span ><strong>Empower</strong> content creators of the community by improving their cash flow.</span><br /> </li> <li><span ><strong>Advocate</strong> for financial collaboration within the community to enhance business results.</span><br /> </li> <li><span ><strong>Strengthen</strong> community partnerships without relying on external help.</span><br /> </li></ol><h3><span ><strong>How do I apply to get funds?</strong></span></h3><p><span >Once you have a detailed and consistent event project plan, please email us at <a href="mailto:contact@afromoya.com">contact@afromoya.com</a> to let us know you are interested in getting funds.</span></p><p><span >We will then schedule a meeting to discuss your project, your track records as an event organiser and your revenue forecast for this event. The goal is to determine the consistency of your project, how best we can help you and the potential fund you need!</span></p><p><span >The next step will be to review the elements you shared with us and discuss whether you’re eligible for a fund, and if so, the financing amount and share of your event’s turnover.</span></p><p><span ><strong>Every term will be mutually agreed upon and written on a signed agreement.</strong></span><br /> </p><h3><span ><strong>What else is included?</strong></span></h3><p><br /><span >The purpose of this financing is to help you scale up your events sooner and create a win-win situation for all of us.<br /><br />We will do our best to help you make your event a success, which includes tailored consulting services from us or our consultants, to give you the best strategic advice possible.</span></p><h3><br /><span ><strong>What should I do next?</strong></span></h3><p><span >Do not wait and contact us now to get the conversation started. Let’s make strong partnerships and thrive, together!</span></p>