
This is where resides the strength and energy of AfroMoya! Explore down below the world of our creative Afro event organisers and check out their latest activity.


<p>Nous sommes une bande d’amis Afro Antillais à Londres déterminer profiter aux maximum de notre aventure à Londres et de le faire ensemble.</p><p>Que ce soit pr un événement, un domino un Times up, un bbq ou juste une soirée chill, il y a toujours une bonne raison pour se réunir.</p><p>Nous somme persuader qu’être bien entourer fait tout la différence lors d’une expérience à l’étranger et qu’il est de notre devoir de favoriser l’intégration. </p><p>On s’engage à proposer des soirées autant qu’il nous est possible et à souhaiter la bienvenu à tous ce qu’il nous rejoignent. </p><p>Si toi aussi tu as l’esprit associatif et tu veux mettre ton talent à disposition de la communauté, envoi nous un Dm sur instagram @caribbeansinlondon </p><p>Site Web : <a href=""></a></p><span id="span_host_description"></span>

Chocolate Kizomba

Chocolate Kizomba<span id="span_host_description"></span><div><p>On the 15th Tuesday of June in 2010 we launched our first event, Chocolate Tuesdays. Our aim was to promote culture, community and create a safe place for those who had been captivated by the beautiful sounds of Kizomba and wanted to learn how to dance.</p><p>We are proud that we have launched many dance journeys over the years, For many Kizomba dancers in the scene today Chocolate Kizomba is where it all began.</p><p>Operating for so many years has meant that we have deep roots in the Kizomba scene and while things evolve, we stick to our mission of not just promoting, but also celebrating culture and providing a safe space for people to learn how to really dance Kizomba.</p><p>The love for Kizomba transcends generations passing from parent to child which we have seen within the team, teachers and partygoers. This has led to our events having a unique family feeling, making them loved by all.</p><p>So whether you are new to Kizomba or you have grown up listening to it come down and join the family.</p><br></div>


43 Listing(s)

<p></p><p>A risk taker, passionate about football, art and history. In constant search of any way which would enable us to unleash our full potential, economically, culturally and politically. <br><span ><br>Continuously learning about my history, cultural heritage and the achievements of my civilisation in the concert of humanity.<br></span><span ><br>Woud love to keep the conversation going with any of you!</span></p><p></p>


Hustle+Heels is changing the way first-time start-ups, entrepreneurs, SME's and Independent retailers learn new business skills, meet the right people, and transform their ideas into successful businesses. Whether you opt for business training from our dedicated experts or want to join the community for free, we have the support you need to build and grow your business the right way.<span id="span_host_description"></span>


<p><span>Demba, also known by his artistic name Dembis Thioung, is a mesmerizing master of the dunduns - the melodic and hypnotic West African bass drums. The traditional West African Dundun, are a set of three double sided drums hit with sticks made by wood and cowskin that make up the HEARTBEAT, the MELODY and the SOUL of traditional West African ensemble djembe music.</span></p><p><span>As the child of a Griot mother (a hereditary caste among the peoples of Western Africa whose function is to keep an oral history of the tribe or village and to entertain with stories, poems, songs, dance) and a Laube father (drum maker and wood workers caste), he was born in Dakar in 1986. Dembis was introduced to the art of traditional and contemporary Senegalese musical techniques by following his mother - a professional dancer - to rehearsals and performances since birth. He started making drums at a very young age (12 years old) and continued his musical apprenticeship at the prestigious Blaise Senghor Centre Culturel, led by Djioncounda Ndaye, and at the popular Fass quarter in Senegal. The time spent with these illustrious companies pushed his&nbsp;innate talent further and he is now recognized by his contemporaries as being a professional and adept thiounguiste (percussionist), who has refined his knowledge of the Dundun, Djembe, Sabar and Asico drums.</span></p><p><br><span>Dembis came to the UK in 2010,&nbsp;whilst on tour with Ballet Daradji. Since then he has been in high demand, both as a performer and a teacher. He currently works for a number of companies, including AKOMAASA PERFORMING ARTS ACADEMY lead by Akosua Boaye, where he recently has played for her weekly classes at the Canterbury Christ Church University.<br>He teaches drumming to adults and to children in schools in partnership with Landing Mane (<a href="">Jamo Jamo Arts</a>) He is also a core member of&nbsp;<a href="">Irineu Nogueir</a>a’s Afro-Brazilian Dance Company ABEIE who has traveled&nbsp;with all over Europe and the Caribbean. Furthermore, he also freelances for the following West African dance artists:&nbsp;<a href="">Aida Diop</a>&nbsp;(traditional West African dance), Almamy Camara (traditional Guinean dance),&nbsp;<a href="">Batch Gueye</a>&nbsp;(Sabar dance) and&nbsp;<a href="">Alesandra Seutin</a>&nbsp;(Germaine Acogny Technique), Diene Sagna<br>(Sabar dance).</span></p><p><span>Currently Dembis hosts a weekly Dundun Drum Circle class at the Village in Notting Hill and have had completed the 5th edition of the Dundun Drum & Dance workshop series, a successful event that gathers dance and drum masters and students from all over the country, ages and levels. Dembis is also a versatile independent performing artist and has played live, and recorded albums with internationally acclaimed artists such as&nbsp;<span><a href="">Baaba Maal&nbsp;</a>and Carlou D, as well as collaborated with Film Composer Harry Escott recording the main soundtrack theme for the second season of the FOX TV<br>Series “Deep Estate”.</span></span></p><p><span>Dembis’s aptitude for music, means that his skills as a percussionist are not reserved for West African rhythms alone, and he is able to, and is keen on working with artists from other musical backgrounds. He currently collaborates with Venezuelan singer Luzmira Zerpa (lead singer of FAMILY ATLANTICA) on duet performances, he is also working in a project with the Brazilian singer and songwriter Nina Miranda (worldly known for her hit “Underwater Love”).</span></p><p><span><a href=""></a></span></p><p><span><br></span></p><span id="span_host_description"></span>

Motema Afrobeat

<p>Founder of MOTEMA Afro movement, Choreographer, Dance Artist and interpret, Steven is originally from Congo, but has moved to South Africa for 9 years, where established his own dance school. He has traveled, taught and performed in countries like: Mozambique, Senegal, Brazil, Belgium, France, USA and UK a variety of African dances. He is fresh from an intensive study in African contemporary and traditional dance at the renowned Ecole des Sables in Senegal. </p><span id="span_host_description"></span>

Umoja Afro Dating

Agence de planification d'evènements de types : Speed dating, Brunch, des sejours et autres dediés aux célibataires de la diaspora en Europe.<span id="span_host_description"></span>

Afro Ambiance

<p><span >'There Is No movement Without Rhythm'</span></p><p><span >#afroambiance</span></p><br><p></p>

DJ Melvina Moves /Nzinga Dance

<p><p><img src=""></p><br></p>

The Black Art Social

<p>Expand your creative skills, immerse yourself in art and black culture and make new connections with our social events<br></p>

Vikki Koshoni (Owner - African Dance Fitness)

<p>I'm Vikki, a Nigerian woman, plant-based, homeschooler of 3, and danceaholic.&nbsp;</p><p><span>My path to becoming an African Dance Fitness instructor started with the Green Gang Family website. This is a site we (my husband and I) created as an educational resource, it holds much of the information we used to heal ourselves and start our lifestyle change journey.&nbsp;</span><a href="">Click here to visit the website.</a></p><p>Physically active most of my life until after my 3rd child when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, depression and chronic pain. I used nutrition and lifestyle change to heal myself.</p><p>My love of functional fitness & dance led me to a lady called Kukuwa® (Prof of Dance from Ghana). I was hooked within minutes of trying her workouts, I got certified and brought it to the UK as Live classes. I'm now 1 of only 3 certified instructors in the UK!</p><span id="span_host_description"></span>

Karen R Coleman

SipNart provide fun sip and paint events in London and the surrounding areas. <span id="span_host_description"></span><div>We offer private events at your home or venue of your choice. </div><div>Are events are fun friendly and very creative, no experience required as we offer freestyle painting with good vibes always.</div><div>Follow us on Instagram</div><div>@sipnart</div><div>Hope to see you at an event soon.</div>


<p>discover about our culture beyond what you see in films and read in the books!</p>

Les Lumière


AfroMoya Team

5 Listing(s)

<p><i>« If there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm. » African Proverb.<br></i><span><br><span>We own this safe space that shines a spotlight on talented event creators of African descent for the wider audience. <br><br>Please get in touch if you need any assistance !</span></span></p><hr><p></p><p><i>« S'il n'y a pas d'ennemi à l'intérieur, l'ennemi à l'extérieur ne peut nous faire aucun mal. »</i> Proverbe Africain.</p><p>Nous sommes à l'origine de cet espace dédié qui met en lumière pour le grand public les talentueux créateurs d'événements Afro-descendants.<br><span ><br>Contactez-nous pour toutes demandes !</span></p><p></p><span id="span_host_description"></span>

AfroBiz Connexion

5 Listing(s)

À l’initiative de trois Afro-descendantes, <i><b>Afro Biz Connexion</b></i> a pour ambition<br>d’accompagner les <i>Afropreneurs</i> dans leur développement et leur essor commercial.<p></p><p></p><div><div><p><b>PROMOUVOIR</b> les entreprises et les projets d’afro-descendants afin de gagner en visibilité et en qualité et ainsi inciter à consommer afro.</p><p></p></div><p></p><p></p><div><p><b>ACCOMPAGNER</b> les Afropreneurs dans leur développement commercial par des prestations de services ciblées.</p><p></p></div><p></p><p></p><div><p><b>SE DEVELOPPER</b> par l’exemple, l’entraide et les partenariats.</p><p></p></div>L’ entreprise <b><i>Afro Biz Connexion </i></b>est quant à elle en plein développement et comptabilise déjà quelques partenariats dans les domaines de l’événementiel, de la finance, des RH et de l’associatif.<br></div><p>Visitez notre site pour plus d'informations :</p>


<p><span >Rising Sensations is a space to inspire you to take a mindful approach your mind & body wellness. This practice encourages you to balance yourself and return to peace authentically and in acknowledgement of your true feelings. The space will motivate you to start your day right.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span >Join us every weekday rising to set the tone to your day.</span></p><p><span >6.15-7am</span></p><p><span ><br></span></p><span id="span_host_description"></span>

Mireille LE BOULER

Fondatrice et Présidente URIEL Group.<span id="span_host_description"></span>

Dyamund D Creations

Dyamund D Creations is the creative body for Dyamund D, a London based poet who loves the artistic flow of written the word.<span id="span_host_description"></span>


<div>&nbsp;L’une des seules personnes dans le monde , qui peut vous transmettre des connaissances en danse Afro traditionnelle, urbaine et contemporaine .&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Née dans les années 90 à Brazzaville, il a été témoin et acteur de la fin du règne des danses &nbsp;traditionnelle au profit des danses urbaines, comme losseba, esobolo &nbsp;et le coupe décalé de Brazzaville</div><div><br></div><div>Il était membre de groupes de danses urbaines congolaise depuis l’âge de 5 ans &nbsp;et plus tard a été formé en France , d’abord par son passage à la faculté des activités physiques et des sports à Créteil, puis de sa formation auprès des meilleurs professeurs de France en danse urbaine à Paris .&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><span id="span_host_description"></span><br />